IBM Books

Config Pgm User's Guide

Using the Configuration Program

This chapter describes the configuration program's navigation features, explains how to use the configuration program, and helps you to diagnose problems It consists of the following sections:

Before Using the Configuration Program

Before using the configuration program to create configurations for your router please read the README file that is contained in the directory in which the configuration program is installed or on the CD-ROM. The README file contains the most current directions for using the configuration program.

Important:The configuration program that you use must match the software that resides on the Nways device that you are configuring. Ensure that you have the latest software level by comparing the software you received with the files available at the web sites named in Obtaining the Configuration Program Electronically.

Understanding the Navigation and Configuration Windows

When you first start the configuration program, it displays three windows:

The Copyright Notice window
The Navigation window
The Configuration window

Select OK in the copyright notice window to close the window. The program displays two windows similar to those shown in Figure 2 and Figure 4.

The window on the left is the Navigation Window and the window on the right is the Configuration Window.

Configure the router by selecting items in the Navigation Window and then providing the details for each selected item in the related Configuration Window. When you have finished entering the details for an item, select a new item to configure from the Navigation Window. Setting Up the Router shows the typical steps to configure a new router or to change an existing configuration. Setting Up the Configuration Program shows the typical steps for setting up the configuration program to communicate with a router.

Using the Navigation Window

The Navigation Window is shown in Figure 2. It contains:

Figure 2. The Initial Navigation Window

Screen capture of initial Navigation Window.

If you select any item in the Navigation Window and Guided Configuration is active (the default setting), the program displays appropriate configuration assistance information as you select new items. See Using Guided Configuration for further information.

If an error occurs or you have not supplied required information in the current configuration, a question mark (?) appears next to the related item. If the configuration information is correct, a check mark (&check.) appears next to the item. For an example of these indicators, see Figure 3.

The Navigation Window's menu bar contains the following options:


The area below the menu bar is the configuration description area. It displays the following information:

In the Navigation Window, you may display a folder's contents either by clicking the plus (+) icon next to the folder or by double-clicking the folder itself. You may also choose an action to perform by selecting a folder and then pressing mouse button 2 (middle mouse button, right mouse button on a 2-button mouse) on the folder. This displays a pop-up menu that allows you to:

Changing the Configuration Program Options

Use the Options menu to change:


  1. The Multiprotocol Access Services, Multiprotocol Switched Services, and Multiprotocol Switched Services Clients versions of the configuration program do not contain the Default Adapter option.

  2. The Access Integration Services version of the configuration program does not contain the ATM Address Format or Default Adapter options.

Using Guided Configuration

The configuration program contains a guided configuration facility to help you configure a device's features and protocols. Guided configuration consists of elementary procedures that step you through the configuration activity for a feature or protocol. Continuous guided configuration assistance is active by default. To toggle it off or on, display the Navigation window and select Guided configuration from the Options menu. If it is turned off and you want to view guided configuration text in a help window without making it active continuously, press F1.


  1. There may be multiple ways to configure a feature or protocol. Guided configuration is the recommended procedure.

  2. Guided configuration does not keep track of where you are in a procedure. If you follow a link to other help information from within a procedure, then when you return to the procedure the help window displays information for the beginning of that procedure.

Using the Configuration Window

To display the Configuration Window, select an item in the Navigation Window (shown in Figure 3).

Figure 3. Typical Navigation Window

Screen capture of typical Navigation Window.

The program displays related configuration information in the Configuration Window (shown in Figure 4) with the name of the selected item on its title bar. It can have the appearance of a single page of configurable items or of a notebook with several pages of configurable items. The contents and format of the Configuration Window depend upon the item selected in the Navigation Window.

Figure 4. The Configuration Window

Screen capture of Configuration Window related to typical Navigation Window.

To validate information that you have entered on a notebook page, right-click the page. The program examines the fields and if it detects an error, it issues an error message. If, at any time, the program detects a problem with a required field, it highlights that page's tab in color (as indicated by the Client Addr tab in Figure 4). Additionally, you can validate a configuration at any time by right-clicking in the Navigation Window and then selecting the Validate option from the pop-up menu. The program displays a list of any errors that exist, which you can correct through the normal process of selecting items in the Navigation Window and entering new information in the Configuration Window.

Navigating Through the Configuration Program

The configuration program features a point-and-click interface. You select items from the Navigation Window and then fill in fields in the related pages in the Configuration Window. The items in the Navigation Window are arranged generally in logical top-to-bottom order so that you move down the list as you progress through the configuration tasks, and in left-to-right order as you specify detailed information. The configuration program provides key combinations to minimize the number of keystrokes needed to do tasks. To display field-specific help information for panels in the Configuration Window, select the field and then press F1.

Using the Mouse

The mouse is the primary means for moving through the various windows in the configuration program.

The configuration program supports the following buttons on a 3-button mouse. (The left and middle buttons on a 3-button mouse are mapped to the left and right mouse buttons on a 2-button mouse.)

Using the Keyboard

Some keys and key-combinations have specific functions. Table 5 shows the key assignments.

Table 5. Keyboard Functions
Keys Function How to Use
F1 (Help) Request help (see note). To obtain help for configuring a feature or protocol:

See Using Guided Configuration.

To get help on a panel:

  1. Select an item in the Navigation Window, then press F1.

To get help for a parameter, a button, or a drop-down list:

  1. Select the parameter field or button by tabbing to the field, button, or list, then press F1.
Note:If you tab to a field or button, a colored box highlights the item and you can then request help. Clicking a button causes the program to do the task indicated by the button or list.

In the help text, additional information is hypertext-linked to the information on a particular panel. By default, this link is highlighted in blue.

If you press F1 on a panel or a parameter without closing a previously opened help window, the new help text overlays the currently displayed text.


Up/Down Arrow Keys Move vertically. Use these keys to move through lists on any panel, including the Navigation Window or items in any of its menu bar selection menus. To select an item, press the Space bar.

Left/Right Arrow Keys Move Horizontally Use these keys to move through both menu items (after you have selected one) and their drop-down lists in the Navigation Window. Also use them to move through parameter fields in the Configuration Window without affecting the existing values. To select an item, press the Space bar.

Tab and Back-tab Next or previous entry field. These keys work only in the Configuration Window. The keys move you to the various entry items in the Configuration Windows. If there are items in a scrollable list, such as in the Device Interfaces panel, you will move to items that are below the scrolling window.

Alt+C Configure menu

Displays the Configure menu so you can select items from it.


Alt+P Options menu

Displays the Options menu so you can select items from it.


Alt+H Help menu

Displays the Help menu so you can select items from it.


Esc Escape

Clears the menus.

Selecting Multiple Items in a List

If the configuration program displays a selection list, you can pick multiple items from those lists. The method for selecting items depends on whether you want to start at one point and end at another point or just choose items at random from the list.

To select multiple individual items:
Press and hold the Ctrl key, point to each item, and then press mouse button 1.

To select a range of items:
Select the first item in the range. Press and hold the Shift key. Select the last item in the range and then press mouse button 1.

To deselect items:
Press and hold the Ctrl key, point to the item you want to deselect and press mouse button 1. If you do not hold the Ctrl key, you will deselect all previously selected items except the item just selected.

Using the Configure Menu

The Navigation Window's Configure menu enables you to access the configuration program's features. The following list describes the menu choices and their usage. The underscored character and the text in parentheses indicate the key combination (shortcut) for the choice.

New configuration
Reset the working configuration to the default configuration for a specific model. The program resets the Navigation Window with a list appropriate for the selected model.

Change Model
Resets the configuration program to support the software for a different router model.
Note:This menu item is supported only for Multiprotocol Routing Services.

Change to High Perf Sys Card
Change the configuration of Access Integration Services models 1xx-1U and 4xx-2U to use the Release 2 High Performance System card.
Note:If you change to the Release 2 High Performance System card, you must select the change to high performance card option from the Configure menu and save the resulting configuration or your configuration will be unusable.

Open configuration (Alt+O)
Update an existing configuration or use an existing configuration as a basis for a new configuration.

Save configuration (Alt+S)
Save the current configuration into a configuration storage file (.csf). The physical file name under which the configuration is to be saved is an 8.3 version of the configuration name with any invalid file name characters replaced with underscores, and the file extension .csf.

Save configuration as
Save the current configuration (with a different configuration name) into a configuration storage file (.csf). The physical file name under which the configuration is to be saved is an 8.3 version of the new configuration name with any invalid file name characters replaced with underscores, and the file extension .csf.

Delete configuration
Remove a configuration. Note: The configuration name may not correspond to the .csf file name. It is recommended that you use the configuration program to delete configurations.

Create router configuration
Create a binary configuration file (.cfg) that you load into your router.

Read router configuration
Read a binary configuration file created by the "Create router configuration" option or obtained from the router using TFTP.


ASCII file
Create an ASCII version of a configuration. You can use this file as documentation of a device's configuration.

You can also read in an existing ASCII configuration file to load into a device.

Exit (Alt+X)
Leave the configuration program.

Establishing Communications Between the Configuration Program and a Router

You must set up both the configuration program and the router before they can communicate with one another.

If you already have a configuration loaded into the router, you need perform only the steps described in Setting Up the Configuration Program; otherwise you must perform the steps in both Setting Up the Router and Setting Up the Configuration Program.

Setting Up the Router

This procedure describes how to set up the router to communicate with the configuration program. Any of the following conditions may result in the router not having a configuration loaded:

If any of these conditions exist, you must do the following steps to set up the router and then do the steps at Setting Up the Configuration Program before you can send an existing configuration to it.

  1. Establish access to the router. You can do this either locally through an ASCII terminal or remotely using Telnet, as described in your device's setup guide. To use Telnet, you must at least configure the IP address for the device by doing the following steps.
  2. Access quick configuration. For the 2210, if the router is in EZSTART mode, enter stop to access QCONFIG. For other devices, if the device is in Config Only> mode, enter the qc command to access quick configuration. See the device's setup guide for more information about quick configuration.
  3. Establish the IP address and IP mask for the primary interface for the router, using the following procedure.

      Note:Steps 3a and 3b apply only to the 2210.

    1. Reply yes to the Configure Interfaces question.
    2. Supply the interface information that is required for the LAN interface that will communicate with the configuration program.
    3. Reply no to the Configure Bridging question.
    4. Reply yes to the Configure Protocols question.
    5. Reply yes to the Configure IP question.
    6. Reply yes to the Configure IP on this interface question for the LAN interface that will communicate with the configuration program.
    7. Enter the IP address at the IP Address prompt.
    8. Enter the IP mask at the Address Mask prompt.
    9. Reply no to the Configure IP on this interface question for the other router interfaces.
    10. Reply no to the Enable Dynamic Routing question.
    11. Reply yes to the Define community with Read_Write_Trap Access question.

      Enter the SNMP community name that will have Read_Write_Trap access.

    12. Reply yes to the Save this configuration question.
  4. Restart or reload the router.

When the router completes the restart sequence, it will be able to communicate with the configuration program.

Setting Up the Configuration Program

Note:This procedure assumes that you have already configured the IP address and the SNMP community and loaded them in the router, according to the steps at Setting Up the Router. If that is true, you can use the retrieve function under Communications, Single, to retrieve the information from the router.

This procedure describes how to set up the configuration program to communicate with the router. To do that:

  1. Select the appropriate model from the New Configuration menu.
  2. Select Interfaces in the IP folder.
  3. In the Configuration Window:
    1. Select IP Addresses next to the LAN interface with which the configuration program will communicate.
    2. Enter the IP address and Subnet Mask for this interface.
      Note:These addresses must match the addresses that are configured on the router's interface.
    3. Select Add
  4. Select Communities under the SNMP folder in the Navigation Window.
  5. In the Configuration Window:
    1. Enter the name of the SNMP community in the Name field on the General page. Use the SNMP community defined in step 3k at Setting Up the Router.
    2. Select Read-write trap in the drop-down list under Access type.
    3. Select Add
      Note:The name and the access type must match the name and access type that is configured on the router with which the configuration program will communicate.

The configuration program can now communicate with the router and perform functions such as Send configuration, Retrieve configuration, or Query router information.
Note:Unless the version of the configuration program and the software loaded on the router are the same, the retrieve function may fail. Use the procedure described in "Upgrading/Migrating Previous-Level Configuration Files" to migrate the configuration from the previous version.

Configuring a New Router

To configure a router using the configuration program:

  1. Select Configure from the Navigation Window.
  2. Select the model you wish to configure from the New configuration submenu.
  3. Select Adapter Interfaces from the Devices folder and configure any adapters for the router in their appropriate slots.


    1. A Ports panel exists in the AIS, MAS, and MRS versions of the configuration program. This panel does not exist for the MSS or MSSC versions.

    2. The MRS version of the configuration program displays the physical ports first followed by the virtual ports.

      In the AIS, MAS, MRS, MSS, and MSSC versions, the virtual ports can be intermingled with the physical ports.

    3. The Interfaces panel displays the interfaces sorted by slot and then port.
  4. Select Interfaces from the Devices folder and configure the interfaces for the router.
  5. Expand the General folder under the Devices folder, if it is not already expanded.
  6. Select the items in the General folder and configure the parameters in each of those items.
  7. Select the items in the System folder and configure the parameters in each of those items.
  8. Select and configure the remaining folders as necessary.

Changing an Existing Configuration

Note:While using the configuration program to change an existing configuration, make sure that no one is updating the configuration with the router command line interface. Any configuration data entered from the command line is lost if you send the configuration to the router from the configuration program.

To change an existing configuration:

  1. Open the configuration.
  2. Use the configuration program to change the parameters you need to change.
  3. Save the configuration.
  4. Send the configuration to the router using the Communications menu.

Using the Command Line Facility

The Command Line facility enables you to automate configuration program operations. You can use the config command to enter a complete set of commands into an argument file named cfgargs, which the configuration program uses to direct its operation, or you can use it to enter commands on the command line. (See Figure 5 for an example of a cfgargs file.) To use only the config command, without displaying the GUI interface, the last command in the file or on the command line must be -exit. If you do not meet this requirement, the program displays the GUI interface's Navigation and Configuration windows. In AIX you can use the headless command, which processes commands without invoking the GUI tool. This enables you to use the command line facility on machines without a graphical display.
Note:You can use the config command only in a windowed operating system. You can use the headless command in an AIX environment with or without a windowed operating system

CFGARGS File Example

If you enter the config command, the program looks for a file named cfgargs. Figure 5 shows the contents of a cfgargs file that:

Figure 5. Example of CFGARGS File Contents

-displayMessages off (1)
-storeMessages on cfgMessages.log (2)
-asciiRead routerOne.acf withoutLogging (3)
   --send private (4)
   --reboot private (5)
   --save * routerTwo (6)

  1. Turns off message display. If any message offers a choice, takes the default choice.
  2. Logs all messages to the specified log file.
  3. Opens the specified ASCII file.
  4. Sends the configuration to a router.
  5. Causes the configuration to become the active configuration by rebooting the router immediately.
  6. Stores the configuration into the directory that was specified by the previous save command, using the specified configuration name, routerTwo.

Specifying the Config and Headless Commands

You may enter the config or the headless (AIX only) command with or without additional commands and their arguments.

config | headless
Causes the program to search for a cfgargs file in the configuration program directory and, if the file exists, performs the commands in it. When the program finishes processing the commands, it ends and deletes the file. If a cfgargs file does not exist, the program waits for additional commands on the command line.
Note:To facilitate making future configuration changes, you may want to prevent automatic deletion of the cfgargs file. You can do this by using a text editor to open the cfgargs file and keeping it open while the configuration program processes the commands in it. As an alternative, you may want to save a copy of the file under a different name.

config -command [args] [...]
If you specify additional commands and arguments on the command line, the program processes them. Each command must start with a minus sign (-) and be followed by as many additional arguments as needed.

headless -command [args] [...]
If you specify additional commands and arguments on the command line, the program processes them. Each command must start with a minus sign (-) and be followed by as many additional arguments as needed (AIX only).

If an argument, args, contains embedded blanks, you must enclose the argument in double quotes (" ").
Note:If you plan to enter commands on the command line, you must ensure that a cfgargs file does not already exist in the configuration program directory. This is necessary because if one does exist, the program processes only the commands in it and ignores the commands you enter on the command line.

The following list describes the config and headless command-related commands and arguments.


  1. Commands and arguments must be separated from each other by either spaces, tabs, or new lines.

  2. You can enter the commands in any case.

  3. Any filename argument that does not contain the path before the physical file name uses the current directory as the path.


filename [withoutLogging]

Required argument. Specifies the name of an ASCII configuration file and reads it into the configuration program as the current configuration in memory. Note: For AIX, if the filename contains embedded blanks, you must enclose it in double quotes (" ").

Optional argument. Specifies that validation errors should not be logged.


  1. The ASCII file comments are provided for information only and they are ignored when present in an ASCII file specified by an -asciiRead command.

  2. By default, the configuration program writes validation errors to an ASCII file, which has the same name as the file you read, but with a .vlg extension.


filename [withComments]

Required argument. Specifies the name of the ASCII configuration file and creates the file from the configuration program's current configuration in memory.

Optional argument. Indicates whether the output file should contain extra commentary describing the ASCII configuration file.
Note:The ASCII file comments written by this command are provided for information only and are ignored if they are present in an ASCII file specified by an -asciiRead command.



Required argument. Specifies the name of a file containing additional commands, and reads and processes those commands. The -commandsFrom command may be nested in a maximum of 10 files.



Required argument. Specifies the name of the file being created (in the binary format recognized by the router) from the program's current configuration in memory.


on | off

Enables the displaying of messages. Allows you to control the displaying of messages.

Disables the displaying of messages. If a message would have offered you a choice of actions, the program takes the default action.


  1. The -displayMessages command can appear anywhere on the command line, in a cfgargs file, or in any of the -commandsFrom files.

  2. You may provide multiple -displayMessages commands, but the configuration program only honors the last one.

Closes the configuration program's GUI windows and ends the program. If you specify multiple commands, -exit must always be the last one.


If an error occurs while processing the command line, ends the program without starting the GUI. The errors.log file or the file specified in the -storeMessages command identifies the source of the error.


Suppresses displaying the configuration program's logo window during startup. Because the logo window requires you to select the OK button, specify this command to run the configuration program in non interactive mode. This command is not necessary when executing the headless command in AIX.


directory config

Required argument. Specifies the name of the directory containing the configuration you want to open.

Required argument. Specifies the name of the configuration you want to open. The command stores the contents as the program's current configuration in memory. If the configuration name contains embedded blanks, you must enclose the name in double quotes (" ").


host name | ip address community [timeout]

host name | ip address
Required argument. Specifies either the name of the router, which the program can resolve into an IP address, or the router's actual IP address. The command retrieves a configuration summary from the router. The program displays and logs the summary based on the setting of the -displayMessages and -storeMessages commands, respectively.

Required argument. Specifies an SNMP community that is defined on the router with read access.

Optional argument. Specifies the time (in seconds) before the SNMP request expires. The default value is 10.



Required argument. Specifies the name of the router configuration file to be read, and reads it into the program's current configuration. The file must be in the binary format recognized by the router, and the release level of the configuration must match the release level of the configuration program.


host name | ip address community [timeout] [date] [time]

host name | ip address
Required argument. Specifies either the name of the router, which the program can resolve into an IP address, or the router's actual IP address. The command sends a restart request to the router at the specified date and time, based on the date and time of the workstation on which the program is running. The program calculates the number of seconds between the date and time the program processes the command and the date and time specified in the command arguments.

Required argument. Specifies an SNMP community that is defined on the router with read access.

Optional argument unless the date or time arguments are specified, in which case it is required. Specifies the length of time (in seconds) before the SNMP request expires. The default value is 10.

Optional argument unless the time argument is specified, in which case it is required. Specifies the date on which the router is to reboot. The default is the current date. The format is dd/mm/yyyy where dd is the 2-digit day of the month, mm is the 2-digit month of the year, and yyyy is the 4-digit year. You may enter the year as either two or four digits.

Optional argument. Specifies the time at which the router will reboot. The default is the current time. The format for the time is HH:MM:SS (am or pm), or a time in 24-hour format, for example, 1800 (without the colons). The SS value, seconds, and am or pm fields are optional.


host name | ip address community [timeout]

host name | ip address
Required argument. Specifies either the name of the router, which the program can resolve into an IP address, or the router's actual IP address. The command retrieves the configuration from the router into the program's current configuration in memory.

Required argument. Specifies an SNMP community that is defined on the router with read access.

Optional argument. Specifies the length of time (in seconds) before the SNMP request expires. The default value is 10.


directory config

Required argument. Specifies the name of the directory into which you want to save the current configuration in the program's memory. If you specify an * instead of a name, the program uses the most recently named configuration directory.
Note:In AIX you can only specify an * instead of a name if you provide the -save command in a cfgargs or -commandsFrom file. It is not supported on the command line.

Optional argument. Specifies the name of the configuration under which you want to save the current configuration. The default is the current configuration name. The physical file name under which the configuration is to be saved is an 8.3 version of the configuration name, with any invalid file name characters replaced with underscores and the file extension .csf.


host name | ip address community [timeout]

host name | ip address
Specifies either the name of the router, which the program can resolve into an IP address, or the router's actual IP address. The command sends the program's current configuration in memory to the router.
Note:If this command is issued before a valid configuration is read using either the -asciiRead or -open commands then the default configuration will be sent to the router. This default configuration will not contain an IP address for the router so if this configuration is activated then you will no longer be able to communicate with the router using IP.

Required argument. Specifies an SNMP community that is defined on the router with read access.

Optional argument. Specifies the length of time (in seconds) before the SNMP request expires. The default value is 10.


send list

send list
Required argument. The send list contains the list of configurations and router addresses. You generate this list using the configuration program menu bar to select Options > Communications > Send Multiple, and completing the fields in the Send Multiple window. This command sends multiple router configurations to multiple routers.


on [filename] off

Enables the logging of messages. If a log file exists, the system appends messages to it. If a log file does not exist, the program creates one.

Optional argument. Specifies the name of the file in which to put logged messages. The default is cfg.log.

Disables the logging of messages.


  1. The -storeMessages command can appear anywhere on the command line, cfgargs file, or in any of the -commandsFrom files.

  2. You can provide multiple -storeMessages commands, but the configuration program only honors the last one.

  3. If you disable -displayMessages and enable -storeMessages, the program writes all messages to the log file.


host name | ip address community [timeout] [date] [time]

host name | ip address
Required argument. Specifies either the name of the router, which the program can resolve into an IP address, or the router's actual IP address. The command sends a configuration file to the router with a request for reload at the specified date and time, based on the date and time of the workstation on which the program is running.


  1. This command is similar to the -send command except that a timer is set, based on the values provided in the date and time arguments. The timer is not affected by reloads or power outages. When the timer value expires, the router loads the configuration.

  2. If the date and time arguments specify something earlier than the current date and time, the configuration is sent to the router's IBD (FLASH), but the timer is not set and the configuration will never be loaded.

  3. The MSS and MSSC versions of the configuration program do not support this command.

Required argument. Specifies an SNMP community that is defined on the router with read access.

Optional argument unless the date or time arguments are specified, in which case it is required. Specifies the length of time (in seconds) before the SNMP request expires. The default value is 10.

Optional argument unless the time argument is specified, in which case it is required. Specifies the date on which the router will reload. The default is the current date. The format is dd/mm/yyyy where dd is the 2-digit day of the month, mm is the 2-digit month of the year, and yyyy is the 4-digit year. You may enter the year as either two or four digits.

Optional argument. Specifies the time at which the router will reload. The default is the current time. The format for the time is HH:MM:SS (am or pm), or a time in 24-hour format, for example, 1800 (without the colons). The SS value, seconds, and am or pm fields are optional.

Creating and Using ASCII Files

By default, the configuration program saves configuration files in binary format. You can use the configuration program to create and read configuration files in ASCII format. You can also convert configuration files from one format to the other.

An ASCII configuration file may be useful if you need to alter many configurations at one time without having to load configurations into the graphical user interface.
Note:The ASCII configuration facility is not intended to be used to create new configurations or to make major modifications to existing configurations.

For example, if you need to update many IP addresses throughout a network, it may be faster to save the affected configuration files in ASCII format and then manually (or automatically with a program) update the addresses. A configuration file saved in ASCII format is also useful when you want to scan the configuration online or print the configuration for review.

After updating an ASCII configuration, you can read it into the configuration program and save the configuration in binary. You can load a configuration into a multiprotocol device only in the binary format.

Understanding the ASCII Functions

The ASCII functions are contained in the Configure menu under the ASCII file item. If you select ASCII file you see the following menu items:

If you select Create single file..., the program displays a dialog in which you specify the path and file name to which the program writes an ASCII file. You can also print comments in the ASCII File from this dialog, if desired.

If you select Read single file..., the program displays a dialog in which you specify the path and file name from which the program reads an ASCII file. You can also prevent the configuration program from writing validation errors to a validation file in this dialog. By default, the validation file has a .vlg file extension.
Note:For the Read single file... function to read an ASCII file successfully, you must either:
  • Create the file with the Create single file... function, or
  • Create an ASCII file with the same parameter structure that the Create single file... creates.
Processing ASCII Files Using the Command Line Facility explains how to use the configuration command line facility to process ASCII files.

Creating an ASCII File

The configuration program uses the current configuration to create an ASCII file. Therefore, if you want to create an ASCII file for a particular device:

  1. Configure the device. If you require an ASCII file for a device that is already configured, use the Retrieve configuration function to obtain the configuration and load it into the program's memory.
  2. Select Configure from the Navigation Window menu.
  3. Select ASCII file from the menu, but do not release the mouse button at this time.
  4. Move to the right and select Create single file.... The program displays a file dialog.
  5. Enter the path and file name to which the program is to write the ASCII file. If you want to replace an ASCII file, you can select an existing file from the file dialog.
  6. Select OK.

The configuration program uses the current configuration in memory to CREATE the ASCII file. This file will contain the configuration parameters and their current values.

Creating an ASCII file is effectively the same as converting a configuration from its binary form to ASCII. Interpreting an ASCII File explains the contents of a sample of an ASCII file.

Adding Comments to an ASCII File

You can add comments to an ASCII file. These comments will help you to use the ASCII file as a template for other configurations. The comments include:

The comments are a guide to help you update the ASCII configuration file. Using an ASCII File as a Configuration Template explains using ASCII files as configuration templates.

Reading an ASCII File


Because configuration parameters change between releases and between PTFs, the configuration program will read only ASCII files created by the same level configuration program. Altering the version number of an older ASCII file or changing the version number in a valid configuration file will cause the read function to fail. See Understanding How the Configuration Program Validates ASCII Files for an explanation of how the configuration program validates an ASCII configuration.

You cannot upgrade an ASCII file from one version of the configuration program to another version. You can only migrate binary configuration files (.csf) between releases. For the procedure to migrate older configuration files, see Upgrading/Migrating Previous-Level Configuration Files.

When you read an ASCII file, the configuration program reads the file into memory and replaces the current configuration. If you need the configuration currently in memory, use the Save configuration or Save configuration as functions before reading in the ASCII file. See Understanding the ASCII Functions for read function restrictions.

See Interpreting an ASCII File for a description of the ASCII file that can help you create your own ASCII file.

To read an ASCII file:

  1. Select Configure from the Navigation Window menu.
  2. Select ASCII file from the menu, but do not release the mouse button at this time.
  3. Move to the right and select Read single file.... The program displays a file dialog.
  4. Enter the path and file name or select a file in the dialog from which the program should read the ASCII file.
  5. If you want the configuration program to create an ASCII record of errors in the configuration, select Log validation errors, which is the default. Because the configuration program always validates configurations and shows errors, you do not need to log validation error, but the feature is useful:
    Note:If you make changes in the configuration program, you can use Create single file... to replace the erroneous ASCII file.
  6. Select OK.

By default, the validation file has a file extension of .vlg.

After reading in the configuration, you can:

Converting from ASCII to Binary

Multiprotocol devices require that the configurations be in binary. Using the configuration program, you can convert an ASCII file to binary by:

  1. Reading in the ASCII file as described in Reading an ASCII File and sending the configuration to the device using the Send function.
  2. Reading in the ASCII file as described in Reading an ASCII File and creating a new configuration file using the Create configuration function.
  3. Reading in the ASCII file as described in Reading an ASCII File and saving the configuration using the Save configuration or Save configuration as functions.

Converting from Binary to ASCII

If you have a binary configuration file, you can convert it by:

  1. Reading the file, which by default has a .csf extension, into the configuration file using Open configuration and creating the ASCII file using Create single file....
  2. Retrieving a configuration from a device and creating the ASCII file using Create single file....

Interpreting an ASCII File

Figure 6 contains a sample of a portion of an ASCII file with comments. When interpreting the ASCII file, note that:

Figure 6. Sample ASCII Configuration with Comments

2210 Configuration
November 18, 1996 at 3:08:56 pm
!  'Configuration:' = 'config'
!  'Model:' = 'model 121/T'
!  'Adapter:' = 'emptySlot'
!  'Version:' = '13011'
#'appletalk' = {
*   at2General = {
*      at2Enable : Enable Appletalk 2
*        value : enable or disable
*      at2Checksum : Checksum
*        value : enable or disable
*      at2Translation : Translate
*        value : enable or disable
*      at2FastPath : Fast path cash size
*        value : range from 100 to 10000  }
    #'at2General' = {
    #'at2Enable' = 'disable'
    #'at2Checksum' = 'disable'
    #'at2Translation' = 'disable'
    #'at2FastPath' = '500'
*   at2Interfaces = { list of at2Interface }
*   at2Interface = {
*      at2InterfaceGeneral = {
*         at2FirstNetworkRange : Lowest number of network range
*           value : range from 1 to 65279
*         at2LastNetworkRange : Highest number of network range
*           value : range from 1 to 65279
*         at2NodeNumber : Node number
*           value : range from 0 to 254
*         at2DefaultZoneName : Default zone name
*           value : a string no more than 34 character(s) in length
*                    with any ASCII character
*         at2InNFilter : Input NFilter
*          value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*         at2OutNFilter : Output NFilter
*         value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*        at2InZFilter : Input ZFilter
*           value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*        at2OutZFilter : Output ZFilter
*          value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*        at2EnableInterface : Enable interface
*         value : enable or disable
*         at2InputNetworkFilter : Input NFilter
*           value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*         at2OutputNetworkFilter : Output NFilter
*           value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*         at2InputZoneFilter : Input ZFilter
*           value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*         at2OutputZoneFilter : Output ZFilter
*           value : 1 of the following strings: None Inclusive Exclusive
*         at2SplitHorizon : Split horizon
*           value : enable or disable   }
*      at2ZoneNames = { list of at2ZoneName }
*      at2ZoneName = {
*         at2ZName : Zone name
*           value : a string
*                    no less than 1 character(s) in length
*                    and no more than 32 character(s) in length
*                    with any ASCII character  }*      at2NFilters = { list of at2NFilter }
*      at2NFilter = {
*         at2FirstFilterNetworkRange : First network range number
*           value : range from 1 to 65279
*         at2LastFilterNetworkRange : Last network range number
*           value : range from 1 to 65279
*         at2NetworkFilterType : Filter type
*           value : 1 of the following strings: In Out  }
*      at2ZFilters = { list of at2ZFilter }
*      at2ZFilter = {
*         at2FilterZoneName : Zone name
*           value : a string
*                    no less than 1 character(s) in length
*                    and no more than 30 character(s) in length
*                    with any ASCII character
 *         at2ZoneFilterType : Filter type
*           value : 1 of the following strings: In Out  }   }
     #'at2Interfaces' = {
       #'at2Interface' = {
         #'at2InterfaceGeneral' = {
           #'at2FirstNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2LastNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2NodeNumber' = '0'
           #'at2DefaultZoneName' = nil
           #'at2InNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2EnableInterface' = 'disable'
           #'at2InputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InputZoneFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputZoneFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2SplitHorizon' = 'enable'
         #'at2ZoneNames' = {  }
         #'at2NFilters' = {  }
         #'at2ZFilters' = {  }
        #'at2Interface' = {
         #'at2InterfaceGeneral' = {
           #'at2FirstNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2LastNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2NodeNumber' = '0'
           #'at2DefaultZoneName' = nil
           #'at2InNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2EnableInterface' = 'disable'
           #'at2InputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InputZoneFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputZoneFilter' = 'None'           #'at2SplitHorizon' = 'enable'
         #'at2ZoneNames' = {  }
         #'at2NFilters' = {  }
         #'at2ZFilters' = {  }
       #'at2Interface' = {
         #'at2InterfaceGeneral' = {
           #'at2FirstNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2LastNetworkRange' = nil
           #'at2NodeNumber' = '0'
           #'at2DefaultZoneName' = nil
           #'at2InNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutNFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutZFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2EnableInterface' = 'disable'
           #'at2InputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputNetworkFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2InputZoneFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2OutputZoneFilter' = 'None'
           #'at2SplitHorizon' = 'enable'
         #'at2ZoneNames' = {  }
         #'at2NFilters' = {  }
         #'at2ZFilters' = {  }

Processing ASCII Files Using the Command Line Facility

Besides the functions described in Understanding the ASCII Functions, the configuration program command line facility also supports the following functions:

Convert Binary to ASCII
Enables you to select one or more binary formatted configuration files from a configuration storage file (.csf), create ASCII formatted files, and save them to the hard drive.

Convert ASCII to Binary
Enables you to select one or more ASCII formatted configuration files from the hard drive, create binary formatted configuration files, and save them to a configuration storage file (.csf).

The following sections describe using the configuration program command line facility to process ASCII files. Examples are included to help you build cfgargs files so you can run certain processes in batch mode.

Creating an ASCII File

Use the asciiWrite command to create an ASCII file. If you want to create an ASCII file for a specific device, retrieve the configuration from the device before the write command in the cfgargs file. The following example creates an ASCII file of the configuration for device CON656A with comments and then exits the configuration program:

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -retrieve CON656A myread
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\con656a.acf withComments

Reading an ASCII File

Use the asciiRead command to read an ASCII file into the configuration program's memory. The following example reads the ASCII file named rtr656b.acf in directory asccfgs:

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656b.acf
Note:Validation errors are logged to file rtr656b.vlg.

Converting from ASCII to Binary

Use the createConfiguration command to convert an ASCII file to a binary file that you can use as backup for a device's configuration. The following example reads in an ASCII file, transmits it to a device, and then creates a binary configuration file for backup.

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\mss656c.acf
  -send mss656c mywrite
  -createConfiguration d:\bincfgs\mss656c.cfg

Converting a Retrieved File to ASCII

There may be times when you need to review the current configuration, for example, debugging or planning for an upgrade. The next example retrieves the configuration from device RTR656D and converts the configuration to ASCII for later use.

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -retrieve rtr656d readit
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656d.acf

Using the ASCII File Functions with Multiple Devices

There may be times when you need to either create ASCII versions of configurations from multiple routers or convert multiple ASCII files to binary to transmit to various devices. The following sections outline a method to achieve those goals using the command line facility.

Creating Multiple ASCII Files

This following example assumes that you have just received five devices that were pre-configured. It illustrates a way to create documentation of the configuration for those devices.

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -retrieve rtr656a reada
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656a.acf
  -retrieve rtr656b readb
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656b.acf
  -retrieve rtr656c readc
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656c.acf
  -retrieve rtr656d readit
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656d.acf
  -retrieve rtr656e readit
  -asciiWrite d:\asccfgs\rtr656e.acf

Reading Multiple ASCII Files

The following example assumes that you need to reload five devices with configurations and you have valid ASCII files. You have already set up the devices to communicate with the configuration program on each of the devices. Each device has a unique configuration and you do not need the binary configuration saved.

-displayMessages off
-storeMessages on cfgCmds.log
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656f.acf
  -send mss656f mywritef
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656g.acf
  -send mss656g mywriteg
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656h.acf
  -send mss656h mywriteh
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656i.acf
  -send mss656i mywritei
  -asciiRead d:\asccfgs\rtr656j.acf
  -send mss656j mywritej

Using an ASCII File as a Configuration Template

The ability to create and read ASCII files can assist you in automating the process of creating or updating a large number of device configurations. The following procedure outlines a method that you can use to perform a mass update.

  1. Create a file that contains the new information for the devices you are configuring. You can use a full or partial template. Make sure that any interfaces or adapters specified match the models and adapters specified in the header.
  2. Create a program to read the device file and a configuration template file.
  3. Create a copy of the template file, update the new copy with the device information, and save the file with a name that would help you to identify the device for later transmittal.
  4. Locate a device in your network that contains a configuration that closely matches the target devices. Ideally, the only things you should need to change are items like IP addresses, MAC addresses, dial circuit numbers, or other such items. The devices should support and use the same filters and protocols and have the same interfaces.
  5. From the device you located in step 4, retrieve the device configuration using Retrieve configuration. You can retrieve the configuration with the command line facility of the configuration program.
  6. Create an ASCII file of the configuration.
  7. Create the new configurations using the ASCII file you created in step 6, the file you created in step 1, and the program you created in step 2.

After you create the new configurations, you can use the configuration program to read the resulting ASCII files, save them as binary files, if needed, and then send the files to the appropriate devices. Reading Multiple ASCII Files contains more information about how the command line facility can help you automate this task.

Understanding How the Configuration Program Validates ASCII Files

The configuration program performs the following actions while reading the ASCII files:

Diagnosing Configuration Program Problems

If you experience problems with the configuration program, locate the symptom in Table 6 that most closely describes the problem and perform the actions described in the Recommended Actions column.

Table 6. Problem Symptoms
Symptom Recommended Actions
Exit with error 34 message when attempting to start the configuration program in AIX This message indicates that there is not enough space in the /tmp directory for the program to start. To avoid this problem, either delete unnecessary files in the directory or use SMIT to allocate more space to it.
Cannot read or make selections from a panel Revert to the original initialization files by reinstalling the program.
The configuration program is running slowly or is hung Stop other applications to see if that enables the program to operate normally. If it does not, revert to the original initialization files by reinstalling the program.
Internal Execution Error or Run Time Error (indicated by an error message in a pop-up window) Do the following:
  1. Record the version of the configuration program that you are using and any problem-related error messages.
  2. Copy the following files in the configuration program's directory to a safe place:
    • The walkback.log file
    • The binary router configuration file (.cfg) that you were creating
    • The configuration storage file (.csf) that you were creating
  3. Contact IBM Customer Service and provide the saved files.

Removing the Configuration Program

Before removing the configuration program, you must save all of the configuration files with a .csf extension into the configuration program's directory, if the configurations are still required for your network. Use either the Save configuration or Save configuration as choices from the Configuration menu (described in "Using the Configure Menu").


To remove the configuration program:

  1. Copy the configurations to another directory if necessary.
  2. For Windows, use the Add/Remove Programs option from the Control Panel to uninstall the program. For OS/2, use either the del or erase command to delete the files in the configuration program's directory, then delete the folder. For AIX, use SMIT to uninstall the program.

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